東京都生まれ。真珠ビジネスを手掛けていた祖父の工房で幼い頃より宝石に触れて育ち、やがて古代の宝飾品と歴史美術の分野に興味を持つ。1997年、成城大学文芸学部芸術学科を卒業し博物館学芸員の資格を取得。同年、国内宝飾メーカーのデザイナーとして商品開発に携わる一方で絵画の分野においても画家として活動。2002年パリ国際サロン会員への推薦を受け独立、ジュエリーとアートを融合させたクリエイションを模索し始める。翌年から2010年まで会員として、毎秋フランスで開催されるサロン・インターナショナル・ド・パリにて絵画やジュエリー作品を発表。2004年アトリエ “AUPIED DE L‘ARCENCIEL” (ウ ピエ ド ラカンシエル) を立ち上げ、主に個人顧客を対象にしたオートクチュール・ジュエリー及びシグネチャーコレクションの制作を開始。宝飾品・絵画・写真などジャンルにとらわれないコンセプチュアルな個展を行っている。また国内外宝飾ブランドのローンチ、デザイン監修等も手がける。


2000年:国際ゴールドジュエリーアウォード WGC Gold Virtuosi賞 受賞
2007年:ベルギー国際ダイヤモンドコンテスト HRD Awards選出

Tamako Tsuda was born in 1975 in Tokyo. It was in the studio of her grandfather who was dealing withpearl business that Tamako encountered jewelry at an early age, and started seeing many pearls andprecious stones. Soon, she was attracted to ancient jewelry as well as the history of fine arts. In 1997,she graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Literature at SEIJO university, where she was qualified as amuseum curator. Then, she was employed as a jewellery designer for a Japanese company usingprecious metals and stones. While working there, she visited tradeshows in Italy and Switzerland, andsaw the skill of European jewelers and their histories. In 2002, she became involved in the merchandiseplanning of her company‘s products.When she received the recommendation of The Salon Internationalde Paris in November 2002, chose to create new work to fuse jewelry with art. She started an atelier “AUPIED L’ARCENCIEL”, and began an new attempt “Art through jewelry” while producing the haute couturejewelry design intended for individual customers. Her signature collection was developed and aconceptual solo -exhibition has been launched every year by her expression, exhibiting not only jewelry,but paintings and photographs as well. In addition she has also been involved in the launch of domestic and international jewelry brands as creative director.

Prizes awarded

2000 – International Jewellery Design Awards Gold Virtuosi Winner
2001 – Selected to International Pearl Design Contest
2007 – HRD Awards 2007 vintage collection
2018 – Certificate of Luxembourg Pinacotheque artistic achievement